
Various amusement facilities products


Flying Chair Ride Safety Tips

The rotary flying chair is a novel flying tower type amusement facility that can accommodate 36 people and has a turning speed of 12 revolutions per minute. Luxury exterior decoration and interesting sports form. When riding, the following precautions should be taken:

1.Waistband and Height Requirements: Before getting on the flying chair, make sure that you are within the appropriate height and weight range for the ride. The flying chair may not be safe for those who exceed the recommended weight limit or who are too short or too tall.

Flying Chair Ride Safety Tips

2.Secure Your Belongings: Before getting on the ride, make sure that your belongings are secure and tied down so that they don get loose and caught up in the ride’s machinery. This can prevent serious injury or property damage

3.Listen to the Ride Operator: flying chair rides require special attention during operation. If you have any questions or concerns, never hesitate to ask the ride operator for assistance. They are there to ensure your safety and can help you understand how to properly enjoy the ride.

flying chair

In conclusion, it’s important to remember that safety is always a top priority when enjoying any amusement ride. The flying chair ride can be a lot of fun, but it’s essential to follow these safety tips to protect yourself and others from harm.


Post time: Jul-11-2023