
Various amusement facilities products


Do you know all the 4 channels for purchasing amusement equipment?

As the saying goes, the park is the “blood” of the cultural tourism industry, and amusement equipment is also the core of the park, so the choice of good equipment and manufacturers.
Very important. However, those investors who are new to the industry may not be aware of this.
The noodles are equivalent to being a “novice”. I often see inquiries: how to buy amusement equipment? Are there any purchase channels? What kind of amusement equipment is good?
This article contains the following:

1. Buy from a middleman

2. Cooperate with brands

3. Receive second-hand transfer

4. Source manufacturer

First,buy from middlemen
Its word is not just amusement equipment, most of the middlemen in the industry rely on the middle price difference to make profits. Therefore, in my opinion, buying from middlemen can be summed up in one sentence “there is a price difference, and more money is spent”.

Second, cooperate with brand owners
Although a certain franchise fee will be charged for cooperating with brand franchisees, for those novices who have neither investment experience nor familiarity with the park industry, choosing to cooperate with brands is the most convenient and lowest-risk investment path. So this can also be used as an option.

Third,receive second-hand transfers
Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, some investors will contact merchants through various network methods to purchase amusement equipment, or directly take over the amusement equipment of the previous park for operation. This method of purchase is the cheapest, which eases the financial pressure to a certain extent. But at the same time, second-hand equipment will have many potential safety hazards and cannot be guaranteed, and the subsequent equipment maintenance is also quite troublesome. Therefore, this method is not recommended for equipment purchase.

Fourth, the source manufacturer
Investors can find some manufacturers specializing in the production of amusement park amusement equipment for purchase. Choose a high-quality and reliable equipment manufacturer, product quality, maintenance, after-sales, etc. are guaranteed. The source link is directly supplied by the manufacturer, saving less money.

To sum up, it is the best choice to choose the source manufacturer to buy, but now there are many manufacturers of amusement equipment and the quality and quality are uneven. You must understand clearly before buying (factory size, production qualification, buyer reputation, etc.) ), carry out physical inspections, and select the quality of the product is more reliable.

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Post time: Aug-08-2023